How To Choose A Good Powder Coating Gun

powder coating gun

Powder coating electrostatic spray gun is mainly composed of powder supply bucket, powder spray gun and controller. It is a special spray gun for electrostatic spraying of powder coating powder, which is both a paint atomizer and an electrostatic electrode generator.

Since its inception, powder coating has been widely used as an important means of surface treatment. Unlike traditional solvent-based coatings, powders do not emit polluting gases or liquids during the coating process. They are environmentally friendly to the processing environment or to be processed, and have become one of the indispensable means in the surface treatment industry.

How To Choose A Good Powder Coating Gun

The answer is very simple. A good equipment must ensure-

  1. Consistent 100 KV at gun tip voltage.
  2. Uniform flow of powder for uniform powder deposition.
  3. The machine should be easy to operate and maintain. The manufactures or his representative should be accessible to get spares parts and support on time and that too at reasonable price.

After knowing this you may asked that what will happen if my equipment does not have all what I said.
The answer is very simple-

  1. You will have a higher coating cost.
  2. You will have uneven powder thickness, which will not only increases the powder consumption but also create rejection.
  3. If your manufacturer is not directly and easily contactable in difficult times for application support your machine will be down and you will not able to produce your target objects.
  4. If the spares are not easily available or it’s very expensive it will take away your profit.

The above mentioned points will help you to make back-of-the envelop analysis for the various powder coating gun suppliers. All available powder coating guns in the market don’t have everything. You need to evaluate the strength and weakness of the suppliers and select who can deliver you a profitable coating solution for time to come.